What is this blog about? Who I am?

Hey everybody! I'm Paula and this is my new blog about.....

Yes, in general I'm going to write about my favourites.
It's time to talk about me. You can write to me like Paula or how you like.
I found one picture than seems like me: 

I like read and watch series and movies. I think than this is the motive to than I choose this theme to make this blog. I'm going to recommend books, gives my opinion of some series and show you unknown movies. I love these emojis and maybe you will found some of them in the posts 

If you are here to search opinions about books, movies and series: this is your place. If not, maybe you fins something here than you can like. 

And I think it's all. I hope you like my post and I hope like my own posts :)

*If you want me to write about something concrete, only say to me.


Entrades populars d'aquest blog

Serie: Marlon

Movie: The greatest showman